Drew Heyen has been performing magic since 1985. He had a very slow beginning, performing very simple tricks for friends and family (a traditional start for magicians). His real interest developed when he began playing Gin Rummy with assorted friends on a nightly basis. Drew found that he was very comfortable with a deck of playing cards. Starting with flourishes, he quickly moved on to more complicated effects, giving an audience the impression that he could cause a deck of playing cards to respond to his every whim.

Since 1991 Drew Heyen has been a part of the Texas Renaissance Festival Entertainment company, portraying a wide variety of characters ranging from a sailor with a bad sense of direction to a high ranking German commander. This sort of experience grants Drew Heyen the ability to entertain an audience, even without the aid of magic. Rather than substitute content with tricks, Drew Heyen gives his audience a sense of interaction and participation, as well as a genuinely good time. It is his belief that magic should add to a performance, not carry it. In 2000 Drew began performing magic at the Texas Renaissance Festival, in the Feast Hall show. As part of his contract that year he also performed walkaround magic in the streets of the festival.

In 1999 Drew Heyen became the headlining magician of Excalibur Fantasy Festival in Smithville, Texas. Excalibur is where he pioneered his stage craft, in the form of the "Objects of Wonder" show, and brought it to its current level. The trust and good nature of the management of Excalibur gave him the opportunity to gain guidance from the only source an entertainer can truly receive it, his audience.

Drew Heyen has been performing on behalf of many Houston event planners, such as Judy Frow's Show Business and Best Entertainers, since 1995, with great success. It is in this venue that he has found his greatest success, entertaining at both private and corporate events alike. No two jobs are exactly the same, calling upon Drew Heyen to create a new performance each time, giving him many experiences in versatility, and the ability to call on that experience to create each new persona.

With such a rich background in the field, there is little that Drew Heyen is unable to accomplish for each and every client's need.